Thursday, November 7, 2013

Give Thanks: Day 7 - Teachers

We are thankful for dedicated teachers. Teaching is not a glamorous job. It can often be quite thankless. Teachers are the first to get blamed when a child fails, but the last to be thanked when they succeed. Teachers have an opportunity like no other to impact the lives of the children in their classes. It takes special people to be teachers, especially teachers that work with special needs. It requires dedication, love and patience. We are thankful that Matthew has so many wonderful teachers. His preschool teachers are amazing at working with him and guiding him. They understand him, don't judge him and are helping him learn to interact with others. They are creating a beautiful foundation that he will be able to build on for years and years to come. We are also thankful for his teachers at church. We credit some of the biggest changes in Matthew to God placing such wonderful church teachers in Matthew's life. We can remember what he was like before he met two sweet young ladies that would be his teachers. We also remember those first few days and how hard they worked to reach him, understand him and gain his trust. And we know how fast they got into his heart. We watched Matthew blossom before our eyes week by week. We now see the same and other sweet ladies working with Gabe, and it makes our hearts smile. It fills us with hope knowing how much growing Matthew has done and knowing that Gabe has the same opportunity and availability to love, kindness and support from such amazing church and preschool teachers. As parents we want the very best for our babies, and we feel confident in saying that Matthew and Gabe have the best possible team of teachers in their lives. Their futures are as bright as the smiles on their faces. For that we are thankful.

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