Sunday, November 24, 2013

Give Thanks: Day 24 - The Bible

We are thankful for the Bible. It is a history book, a record of the life and teachings of Jesus, and a guidebook for our lives today. It is not fiction. It is very much real, and it is just as relevant today as it was the day it was written. We are thankful that God provided it for us, and that we live in a country where it is still legal to own a Bible. We are thankful that copies of the Bible are so easily obtainable. You can buy a traditional printed book version of the Bible. You can also view the Bible online in any number of translations. You can even get a Bible app on your phone. Many of these are free. It is a blessing to live in a country where the Bible is so accessible, and we pray that everyone takes advantage of the beautiful opportunity they have to read God's word and to share it with everyone they know.

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