Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Here we are!  We're just a few hours away from the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. I am amazed when I think back over this past year and everything that has occurred. In January, Gabe was born.  He is such a blessing. At my 6 week postpartum checkup, my doctor advised us not to pursue pregnancy again due to the complications I experienced during my pregnancies with both Matthew and Gabe. But this wasn't to be and ending.  He was just giving us a new beginning. Shortly thereafter, God reignited a flame He had been steadily fanning: adoption. When God set us on the path to adoption, He blessed us with so much more than a baby in our future. We started praying and researching, trying to learn all we could and select the right agency to go through.  We are convinced that God placed Agape in our path as part of His perfect plan. Since then, Mike and I have been working toward becoming adoptive parents. All the details are falling together so well.  There are still things to finish and a few obstacles, but we feel confident that God will provide solutions in His appointed timing. This year, I know that we have grown closer to God. We have learned more this year about trusting God's timing and putting our faith in Him than ever before.  It can be hard at times to give up control, but we have found that in the moments when we let go of the reigns and let God drive, the paths get straighter and are usually less bumpy.
Our boys have both grown so much over this past year.  It's hard to believe that Gabe will soon be turning ONE. WOW! Where did the time go...seriously?? Matthew has grown so much and in so many ways. He has overcome so much. His speech is steadily improving.  His vocabulary is constantly expanding, and he is actually making sentences and carrying on conversations with us.  We are so thankful, and we know that he will continue to improve. It has been a long road paved with adversity, but God has seen us through it.
Our prayer for 2013 is that God will continue to bring us closer to Him, and that we will continue to grow in our walk. While 2012 is drawing to a close along with some chapters of our life, we know that 2013 will bring new beginnings in many ways, as well as new and exciting opportunities. We look forward to all that God has in store for us. It is so exciting to think of all the things I could be sitting here reflecting on this time next year! We pray for the mother of our future baby, as her adoption journey may be beginning in 2013 if it has not already.  We pray that she will stay healthy and make healthy choices for her and the baby. We pray also for all of our loved ones who are struggling in some way, whether it be personal issues or family issues... that they will put their faith in God and allow him to guide them down the right paths. We pray for the lost... that in this new year they will accept a new beginning and a new life through Jesus Christ, one of forgiveness and salvation. May God bless you all in the new year. Thank you all for the love and support you have shown us this past year, and we look forward to sharing our journey with you through 2013!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  We hope that everyone has had a very enjoyable and safe day, especially with all these storms and tornadoes we are currently experiencing!  I also hope that everyone has taken time to remember the TRUE reason for the season. While the gifts and big meals are great, don't forget WHY we truly celebrate... the birth of Jesus Christ. He was living a grand, pure and perfect life in Heaven, free from pain, sadness and sin. Then, because he loved us, he came to Earth in the form of a helpless baby to live among us.  He was temped but still led a pure and holy life. He was persecuted for his faith. Then he was crucified and died on the cross for all of our sins.  He bridged the gap that sin had created.  He died so that by his death, we would be redeemed and have the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven with him.  THAT is the ultimate gift... a baby that was born to die for all of us. Do you know him??  There is no better time than the present to get to know him if you do not already. It is my prayer that any who do not already WILL. Receive the ultimate gift into your heart and be forever changed.  May God continually bless you and your family this holiday season and in the coming new year.  From our family to yours... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life.  -John 3:16

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thoughts of Christmas dancing in my head...

As I sit here watching our boys play together, I feel so blessed to have them both.  Matthew is our energy.  :) He always wants to be busy building and playing, learning and exploring. He can be a handful at times, but he's our handful. He is so active, but he is fun. His imagination never ceases to amaze me. And his heart is as big as the sky. Gabe, however, is so laid back and collected. Nothing much bothers him. As long as he has his thumb and his blanket, he is good to go. I think about how different they are, and I wonder what our next baby will be like... Will she be silly or serious? a girly girl or a "tom boy"?  creative?  athletic?  intellectual?  (It's interesting that these are some of the same questions we ask ourselves when we are expecting!) There are so many possibilities, but two things are for sure: she will be uniquely her, and we will love her.
It was an amazing day when we found out we were expecting Matthew, and again with Gabe. I know it is going to be another amazing day when we get the call that our new baby is being born.. to know that we are only days away from bringing her home and making her apart of our family.
I sit here now looking forward to Christmas with our sweet boys, to seeing there faces on Christmas morning as the open their presents and play with their new toys. This is Gabe's first Christmas  :) I also picture a Christmas coming that this family of four will be a family of five (or more).  I always wanted a big family.  I want our children to be close, love and support each other.  I want them to grow up friends so that no matter what the world throws at them, they will have each other. That's the way it's supposed to be.  Matthew and Gabe are so good together.  Matthew is a great big brother. He loves being with Gabe, and tries so hard to take care of him and keep him happy.  I noticed today that Gabe is starting to really cling to Matthew.  As they were riding side by side in the "race car buggies" in Winn-Dixie, Gabe laid his head over on Matthew and just sat there. He had his hand clutching tight to the bottom of Matthew's shirt. He held onto is shirt through the entire shopping experience.  I have looked into the backseat many times to see Matthew holding on to Gabe's hand or rubbing his head or arm many times also.... and I love it.  I look forward to expanding our family through adoption and watching all the love. I know I say this so many times, but we are just so blessed that God has put us on this path. We feel so blessed that He CHOSE this path for us and that He chose us for this path. His plans and timing are just so perfect, and I know that in the appointed hour everything will fall perfectly into place.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School

What happed today at Sandy Hook Elementary School is a terrible tragedy... so many innocent lives lost due to a completely selfish act. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Especially to those who have lost children. As a parent, I cannot even imagine the depths of the loss and sorrow they are experiencing. No one should ever have to face the reality of what they are going through. There are no words that can express how I feel. This is the reality of some of my worst fears, as it is for many others... the fact that it CAN happen, DOES happen and DID happen. It is an act of pure evil. It is time (past time) for our nation to hit it's knees and PRAY. Only God can save this broken world, and only God can bring peace to those in need of it now. Everyone please be in prayer for those who are suffering now. Also hug your own little blessings extra tight, and thank God that they are safe right now. Never take them for granted. Every day you have with them is a blessing.