Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Give Thanks: Day 5 - Church Family

We are thankful for our Hillcrest Baptist Church family. We are thankful that God led us to such a wonderful church that has been everything we have needed it to be just when we needed it most. It has been a source of love and understanding. The Children's Ministry has been such an excellent resource for both Matthew and Gabe. Matthew's teachers reached in and pulled out the Matthew we know and helped him to grow as a person. He has made such HUGE strides having such wonderful people surrounding him and believing in him. He looks forward to going the church and seeing his teachers and being with his friends. That's enough to make any parent feel thankful. Gabe has had a slow start but he makes strides everyday. I love seeing how much he is loved by those who keep him. They take care of him and play with him. We tell them things we are working with him on at home (like learning concepts and skills), and they will work with him on it in the nursery also. They care so much about the progress he makes. They rejoice with us when our boys accomplish goals and milestones. That is very special to us that they care so much. We love them for that. We have been blessed to make some great friends and form relationships with people who have "been there before". It helps to know that others have walked the paths you are on, that they made it through and that they are praying for you. We are honored and humbled to know that we have an army of prayer warriors ready to pray at a moments notice. We are also thankful for the opportunities we have been given to serve through our church such as the choir and Mission Friends. We are thankful for groups like our Sunday School class and MOPS that provide opportunities to fellowship and build relationships. We just can't thank God enough for leading us to Hillcrest Baptist Church.

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