Sunday, November 3, 2013

Give Thanks: Day 3 - Our Children

Today we are thankful for our children. God has blessed us with two beautiful boys: Matthew and Gabe. Parenthood changed our hearts and life in more ways than we can ever express or understand. There are places in your heart you don't even know exist until you experience the love and happiness that comes from being a parent. Matthew and Gabe are so alike and so different at the same time. They are sunshine on cloudy days. Those sweet boys are truly a blessing. When it seemed that they would be our only two, God had other plans. Now here we are on our adoption journey. While we haven't had any children placed with us yet, we know it is in the works. We don't know who the child is or when it will happen, but God does. We know that God already knows the child that will one day join our family. To us they are our child already. Maybe there is more than one child meant to join our family. Whatever the case may be, we trust God. We love them and are preparing our lives for them just as we prepared for the births of Matthew and Gabe. We are thankful that God has blessed us so much as parents, and we are thankful for our children... ALL of them.

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