Thursday, July 25, 2013


Today, I have been reflecting on our adoption journey.  I have been thinking about all the changes that have occurred along the way... starting with the event that changed it all.  We went from a couple that had brought two beautiful babies into the world and was looking forward to a third to the the couple who has two beautiful boys and they would be the only ones. That was a difficult change to swallow, but God threw in a game changer. He had already been tugging at us to adopt. We had never thought it would be our only method to having more children.  We had thought it would be an additional method.  But knowing we had the option to adopt at all helped us get through the bad news. We initially thought that we would adopt an infant.  Older children didn't really seem appealing. We just wanted a sweet little newborn to raise. Who wouldn't??? Then God laid a burden on our heart for all the children that are waiting right now for a home.  They aren't newborns, and therefore they aren't as quick to find forever families for, and THAT is sad. Many of these children will eventually age out of the system without a family to call their own or a place to call home. That is heartbreaking. So here we are... exploring the possibility of adopting a child through the Heart Gallery of Alabama. It's a pretty big jump from adopting a newborn to possibly adopting an older child. Many would ask, "What changed?" Did God change His mind? No. To say that God changed His mind would be like saying that He went to Plan B. God has no Plan B. His plans are perfect and require no backups. His plan is what it has always been. His calling on our lives is what it was all along. "Help the children." He never put an age group on it.
Romans 11:29-
God never changes his mind about the people he calls and the things he gives them.
Numbers 23:19-
God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
James 1:17-
Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
So what did change?? Us. From the very beginning, God has been phasing the events and using them to mold us.... to CHANGE us into the people He wants us to be... into the family He needs us to be to help the child that He already has in mind for us. He has been changing our hearts and growing us in ways we cannot even explain and placing a burden on us that keeps us moving through the process with a passion.  Most people think of a burden as being a bad thing. Not so. This burden is a complete blessing, a glorious beautiful blessing. God handpicked us to be parents to two very special little boys, and now we know that He has handpicked us to be parents to some other sweet child we haven't even met yet. This burden is our hope. It is our sign gift  from God that He is working in and has special plans for our lives... that He is using us. We give Him all the glory for this. We know that the changes are far from over. Some of the best changes are yet to come: the changes that come when you bring a child into your home. We know it will take some adjustments, but we know that God has already got it covered. He is already working on it and preparing the way.
Philippians 1:6-
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
We know that God will see us through. Thank you all for your continued prayers, love and support. God bless each of you.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy (or Cheap)

Today we attended another training class. We went through and discussed Book 4 in our Deciding Together series (6 books total). We now have Book 5 to complete. We also found out today that we are about to enter the expensive part of the adoption journey. After we complete Book 6, which will be soon, we will be completing our home study. The home study will cost us $1,000.00. This will be divided into two payments: $500.00 due before the home study and the remaining $500.00 due upon completion of the home study. Plus $100.00 for Mike and I ($50.00 each) to have finger printing and background checks done. Basically we are looking at $1,100 in expenses in the next couple of months. This does not include any attorney fees or placement fees that will come a little later on when we are matched with a child. Right now our total from our fundraising is $348.75... so we are still a little on the short side to say the least, but we know that God will provide.

We are continuing with our fundraisers...

We still have our Adoption Bug T-Shirt fundraiser going:

We also still have several copies of our cookbook available:

We are also looking for more Fundraiser ideas. We will gladly host online parties if you are a representative or consultant for a brand that offers online parties and fundraising. Above all please continue to pray for us as we move forward through the adoption process. We have come so far, but still have a long way to go also. Thank you all for your prayers and support and for sharing our journey with us.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sister Talk

We have always felt that it is very important that family be involved in our adoption process.  We don't want anyone feeling like an outsider or spectator, especially our children.  We have made a point to talk to Matthew about it all along. Conversations with Matthew began when I was pregnant with Gabe, so we were explaining that Mommy had a baby in her belly and that soon we'd go to the hospital and the Dr. would help the baby come out.  When Gabe was born, Matthew was so excited.  He loved bringing baby home, so we used it to help explain adoption a little more.  We told him that we were going to bring another baby home one day.  He loved that idea... "More Gabey Babies! Yay!"  lol
Well, here we are... Gabe is almost 18 months old, and Matthew will be 4 years old in September, and it just occurred to us... we have been talking about another BABY coming to live with us.  What if the child we adopt is not a baby actually?  What if she is Matthew's age or a little older.  So I asked the question:  "Matthew, would you like a sister to live with us?"  He replied, "A sister? No."  Then I realized: This kid doesn't know what a sister even is! We are a family full of little boys.  'Sister' is not a familiar word at all! So I rephrased it.. "Matthew, would you like a girl to come live with us?"  Matthew responded, "A girl?  Yes!!!"  Just when I thought I was on to something, he added, "A girl like Grandma!"
We'll get there in time I guess.  :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Blessing of New Horizons

God is really working overtime right now.  He is steadily guiding us through our Autism journey with Matthew and Gabe, but He is moving in our adoption journey in awesome ways too. It has felt like we have been sitting still since January, but we are starting to feel the pulls again.  God has been laying a few thoughts on our hearts. Don't worry! All is well, and we are definitely not second guessing our calling to adoption. On the contrary, God is expanding our horizons to possibilities hat we had thought were out of our reach or beyond our capabilities, experience and  knowledge. We are realizing that what may be beyond us is NOT beyond God. If He leads us to something, He will equip us and guide us. He will never leave us. He will give us the strength and knowledge we need. I hope this doesn't sound too cryptic. It's not a huge secret of anything. We just don't have any solid update to share. It's just a feeling... a wonderful feeling that something big is coming. We just don't know where He's headed with us, but it is exciting. We know doors are going to be opening... praising Him in the hallway until then.  :) Thank you all for your support.  Please continue your prayers for us and our family as we continue the process of adoption. Thank you, Lord, for choosing us for this path and for the grace you have shown us and the blessings that you have given us along the way. We know even bigger blessings are yet to come. :)
Luke 1:37
For nothing is impossible with God
Hebrews 13:20-21
Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.