Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Here we are!  We're just a few hours away from the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. I am amazed when I think back over this past year and everything that has occurred. In January, Gabe was born.  He is such a blessing. At my 6 week postpartum checkup, my doctor advised us not to pursue pregnancy again due to the complications I experienced during my pregnancies with both Matthew and Gabe. But this wasn't to be and ending.  He was just giving us a new beginning. Shortly thereafter, God reignited a flame He had been steadily fanning: adoption. When God set us on the path to adoption, He blessed us with so much more than a baby in our future. We started praying and researching, trying to learn all we could and select the right agency to go through.  We are convinced that God placed Agape in our path as part of His perfect plan. Since then, Mike and I have been working toward becoming adoptive parents. All the details are falling together so well.  There are still things to finish and a few obstacles, but we feel confident that God will provide solutions in His appointed timing. This year, I know that we have grown closer to God. We have learned more this year about trusting God's timing and putting our faith in Him than ever before.  It can be hard at times to give up control, but we have found that in the moments when we let go of the reigns and let God drive, the paths get straighter and are usually less bumpy.
Our boys have both grown so much over this past year.  It's hard to believe that Gabe will soon be turning ONE. WOW! Where did the time go...seriously?? Matthew has grown so much and in so many ways. He has overcome so much. His speech is steadily improving.  His vocabulary is constantly expanding, and he is actually making sentences and carrying on conversations with us.  We are so thankful, and we know that he will continue to improve. It has been a long road paved with adversity, but God has seen us through it.
Our prayer for 2013 is that God will continue to bring us closer to Him, and that we will continue to grow in our walk. While 2012 is drawing to a close along with some chapters of our life, we know that 2013 will bring new beginnings in many ways, as well as new and exciting opportunities. We look forward to all that God has in store for us. It is so exciting to think of all the things I could be sitting here reflecting on this time next year! We pray for the mother of our future baby, as her adoption journey may be beginning in 2013 if it has not already.  We pray that she will stay healthy and make healthy choices for her and the baby. We pray also for all of our loved ones who are struggling in some way, whether it be personal issues or family issues... that they will put their faith in God and allow him to guide them down the right paths. We pray for the lost... that in this new year they will accept a new beginning and a new life through Jesus Christ, one of forgiveness and salvation. May God bless you all in the new year. Thank you all for the love and support you have shown us this past year, and we look forward to sharing our journey with you through 2013!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  We hope that everyone has had a very enjoyable and safe day, especially with all these storms and tornadoes we are currently experiencing!  I also hope that everyone has taken time to remember the TRUE reason for the season. While the gifts and big meals are great, don't forget WHY we truly celebrate... the birth of Jesus Christ. He was living a grand, pure and perfect life in Heaven, free from pain, sadness and sin. Then, because he loved us, he came to Earth in the form of a helpless baby to live among us.  He was temped but still led a pure and holy life. He was persecuted for his faith. Then he was crucified and died on the cross for all of our sins.  He bridged the gap that sin had created.  He died so that by his death, we would be redeemed and have the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven with him.  THAT is the ultimate gift... a baby that was born to die for all of us. Do you know him??  There is no better time than the present to get to know him if you do not already. It is my prayer that any who do not already WILL. Receive the ultimate gift into your heart and be forever changed.  May God continually bless you and your family this holiday season and in the coming new year.  From our family to yours... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life.  -John 3:16

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thoughts of Christmas dancing in my head...

As I sit here watching our boys play together, I feel so blessed to have them both.  Matthew is our energy.  :) He always wants to be busy building and playing, learning and exploring. He can be a handful at times, but he's our handful. He is so active, but he is fun. His imagination never ceases to amaze me. And his heart is as big as the sky. Gabe, however, is so laid back and collected. Nothing much bothers him. As long as he has his thumb and his blanket, he is good to go. I think about how different they are, and I wonder what our next baby will be like... Will she be silly or serious? a girly girl or a "tom boy"?  creative?  athletic?  intellectual?  (It's interesting that these are some of the same questions we ask ourselves when we are expecting!) There are so many possibilities, but two things are for sure: she will be uniquely her, and we will love her.
It was an amazing day when we found out we were expecting Matthew, and again with Gabe. I know it is going to be another amazing day when we get the call that our new baby is being born.. to know that we are only days away from bringing her home and making her apart of our family.
I sit here now looking forward to Christmas with our sweet boys, to seeing there faces on Christmas morning as the open their presents and play with their new toys. This is Gabe's first Christmas  :) I also picture a Christmas coming that this family of four will be a family of five (or more).  I always wanted a big family.  I want our children to be close, love and support each other.  I want them to grow up friends so that no matter what the world throws at them, they will have each other. That's the way it's supposed to be.  Matthew and Gabe are so good together.  Matthew is a great big brother. He loves being with Gabe, and tries so hard to take care of him and keep him happy.  I noticed today that Gabe is starting to really cling to Matthew.  As they were riding side by side in the "race car buggies" in Winn-Dixie, Gabe laid his head over on Matthew and just sat there. He had his hand clutching tight to the bottom of Matthew's shirt. He held onto is shirt through the entire shopping experience.  I have looked into the backseat many times to see Matthew holding on to Gabe's hand or rubbing his head or arm many times also.... and I love it.  I look forward to expanding our family through adoption and watching all the love. I know I say this so many times, but we are just so blessed that God has put us on this path. We feel so blessed that He CHOSE this path for us and that He chose us for this path. His plans and timing are just so perfect, and I know that in the appointed hour everything will fall perfectly into place.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School

What happed today at Sandy Hook Elementary School is a terrible tragedy... so many innocent lives lost due to a completely selfish act. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Especially to those who have lost children. As a parent, I cannot even imagine the depths of the loss and sorrow they are experiencing. No one should ever have to face the reality of what they are going through. There are no words that can express how I feel. This is the reality of some of my worst fears, as it is for many others... the fact that it CAN happen, DOES happen and DID happen. It is an act of pure evil. It is time (past time) for our nation to hit it's knees and PRAY. Only God can save this broken world, and only God can bring peace to those in need of it now. Everyone please be in prayer for those who are suffering now. Also hug your own little blessings extra tight, and thank God that they are safe right now. Never take them for granted. Every day you have with them is a blessing.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ideas anyone?? Please share!! :)

Our fundraiser through Adoption Bug is still in progress, but we are nearing its conclusion. We will be winding it up on December 31st. We are thankful to Adoption Bug for helping us to host this fundraiser and to all those who have supported us by purchasing a t-shirt and/or sharing our fundraiser link. And a HUGE thank you to those who have kept us in their prayers.
Laramore Family Adoption Bug Fundraiser:
We plan to do other fundraisers all along. Right now the delima is WHAT fundraisers to do. We have considered selling cookbooks but don't know where to start. I found one company that sells BEAUTIFUL handmade aprons that will host adoption fundraisers. I would really love to know if y'all think that would be worth while. :)  I have also heard that some companies (Mary Kay, Thirty-One, Scentsy, etc.) specialize in online fundraising, but not sure of those for a fact or how they would work. We are open to suggestions. If you have an idea, feel free to comment below OR contact me on Facebook. We appreciate any help anyone can offer, and thank you ALL for your support.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Where does the time go??

So much has happened since my last post. Where do I begin??
We attended another adoption meeting. This one covered Book 3. Then we received Book 4 to work on. After this book we have two more to go. Yay!
My high school hosted it's Homecoming week. This year marked the 70th anniversary for the marching band. They decided to celebrate by inviting all alumni members to return and march with the band. As an alumni member, I was excited to participate.. also a little nervous too, I admit. Long story short, it was GREAT! I had a wonderful time, and I am so thankful that I did get the oppirtunity to be a part of something so special.
Matthew had another accident that ended up with another trip to the ER. This time he fell into the entertainment center and busted his gums above his top front teeth. It was about an inch long horizontally and kinda deep looking. It was terrible (again).... bleeding, but not nearly as horrifying as the head wound. No stitches or anything... It ultimately just has to heal itself. I know these things happen and they are hard on the kids, but mercy are the hard on the parents too!! Really hoping we don't end up being ER regulars... It's amazing how fast things happen. You don't even have time to think little less to react! Matthew is just soooo active. Sometimes all I can do is just hold my breath and pray.
Gabe had his 9 month checkup. He is now 30 inches long and weighs 18 pounds 12 ounces. That puts him in the 90% on height and the 19% on weight... he's going to be tall like his big brother.  :)  Since birth Gabe has had onstructed tear ducts in both eyes. After seeing that it still had not cleared up at his checkup, his doctor put in a referral to an eye doctor to get it checked out. This put us right back in Dothan just two days later. The eye doc determined that there is absolutely no flow through either tear duct. This is likely due to a membrane blocking the tubes, but it is completely fixable.Gabe is now scheduled to have a procedure to clear the ducts on December 7th. So please say a prayer for him.
Then we had Halloween... the night before Halloween, we went to Pumpkins on the Square in Elba. Matthew and Gabe dressed up as Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. They looked great! I was so proud of Matthew! He walked around so calmly and stayed right near us at all times, holding my hand. For those who know him, you know how great of an accomplishment this is for him! He said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" to everyone. I was so proud. As for Gabe, he was his usual calm, happy, "along for the ride" self. He took in everything around him with a smile on his face and his thumb in his mouth. He is just so sweet.  :) The next night (Halloween night), we did it all over again for Trick or Treat and the Fall Festival in Opp.
This all brings us up to the present... Here we are in the holiday season. November is going to be a busy month... Thanksgiving... three family birthdays. Matthew has his first appointment to talk about SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). We have really been looking forward to this. You make think we are crazy for looking forward to it, but we are excited because of the possibility that it may help Matthew. Matthew is so sweet and so loving. He is just so wide open and he doesn't know limits to the point that it henders daily activities, potty training, his speech. It also makes it hard for him to have friends. It's hard for people to relate to him and understand him, and the possibility of pinning a name to his behavior and being able to help him work through it all is awesome. The possibility of seeing him happy meeting milestones and exceeding them, and thriving is exciting!
This is obviously a very busy and very exciting season for us. Through it all though we are still super excited about our adoption journey too. We have Book 4. We are slowly working on it, but we have already realized that our classes will not likely be finished by Christmas as hoped. BUT that just gives us more to look forward to in the coming year! We just feel that 2013 is going to bring about a lot of good changes for us. We praise God for all that He has already done for us...for getting us through hard times... for protecting us and guiding us... for keeping our babies healthy... for being with Matthew through both ER visits... for the healing of Matthew's forehead scar and his gums... for healing our family relationships... for mending tense friendships, hurt feeling and broken hearts... for giving us such wonderful family and friends to advise us, guide us and love us... for putting us on the wonderful journey of adoption...  His blessing on us are more than we can ever count and we are truly thankful. Please continue to pray for us as we continue through the adoption process. It is a slow go, but we are still moving onward! We look forward to bringing our new addition home in God's time. It is so humbling to know that God has chosen us for this great plan and to know that He will be with us every step of the way.  :)  Amazes me every time I think about it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Voice of Reason

I know I haven’t really written any “deep” posts in a little while, but I really feel that I need to share something with everyone. As many of you know, Matthew had an “uh oh” this past Wednesday night. For those who do not know, this is what happened. We had just got home from church and I put in a movie for the boys to watch for a few minutes while I got a few things done. I was just across the room, and I had just looked over at the boys. Matthew was lying on the couch. Gabe was playing in his Pack n Play. I turned my head and suddenly heard a thud and Matthew starting screaming. Apparently when Matthew went to get up, he decided to roll off and somehow tripped himself up and fell head first into the corner of the fireplace. Matthew got up and was running to me with his hands on his face. I pulled back his hands to see his face covered with blood, as well as his hands and arms. It was literally pouring. I have since learned that this is typical of head injuries. Nonetheless, I was panicking. Even though I know it was just me and the boys and that Mike was at work, I still looked around as if help was going to magically appear. But in the same instance, I also realized it was just me and I had to do something. I grabbed a towel and applied pressure. I realized also that I needed to keep pressure on it, but that I couldn’t do that AND drive. I also then realized I couldn’t tend Matthew and Gabe at the same time and definitely not in an ER. I called Mike, and he called my mom. Mike’s job doesn’t allow him to take off on a moments notice, but Mama was home and came right out. Prayer is very important to me, because I KNOW it works. I know God hears, and I know that nothing is too big or too small for Him. While Mama was on the way, I called friends to ask them to please be praying for Matthew. My mind was in constant prayer for my baby through it all. I literally prayed without ceasing. We took Matthew to the ER. Mama kept Gabe while I took Matthew back. I was scared to death and Matthew was panicking. The stainless steel furniture and sterile surroundings had already clued him in that he was in a hospital, a place that he is not too fond of.    I was so relieved when Mike called and told me that he was on the way. Long story short... it took 5 adults to get 4 stitches in Matthew’s forehead. It was not pleasant. It was completely heartbreaking, and I hope and pray that we will never have to go through it again.
When it was over Matthew was ultimately more concerned about his toy car that he though he'd lost in the ER, but in fact Mike had it and everything else that had came in with us. When reassuring Matthew of this he told me, "No, Mommy! It's gone.. gone forever!"  After buckling him into his car seat and handing him his lost little treasure, Matthew went to sleep for the ride home.  He slept so heavy that night. The next morning, that little nudge that comes with Matthew crawling up in the bed beside me was the greatest feeling of relief.  Seconded only by his beautiful smile.
You may be thinking, “What does this have to do with adopting?” Well, nothing directly. I always try to find the positive in everything, and I always seek to understand what God is trying to show me in my trials. When reflecting on the experience, all I could think of was my baby having a huge scar on his forehead for life. Then my mind raced to “But I could have saved him, if I’d have just been closer to him…” Then I started telling Matthew I was so sorry, and I felt as though I had let him down, and he’d have a permanent scar in the center of his forehead to remind me of it for the rest of my life.
Then came the voice of reason… These things happen. He is a BOY. He is ALL BOY. It’s a wonder he made it to age 3 without something happening sooner. I am a good mother. I was there for him when he needed me. I took charge of the situation, and I got him to a doctor and got him taken care of. He knows that I love him and that I would never let anything happen to him. I am not perfect and I can’t keep things from happening. I can only do my best when they happen. 
My thoughts turned to Job and how he was tested. Job was a righteous man that God had made prosperous and placed a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test Job because He knew that Job was solid in his faith. The devil tried to destroy Job’s faith in God by throwing trial after trial on him. Through it all Job never blamed God. He kept strong faith. While I know that Matthew’s accident is very small in comparison to what Job went through, it is still a parallel. Satan seeks to destroy what is good and to tear down faith in God. I fully believe that Matthew’s accident was a test of Satan to try to make me doubt myself and my abilities as a mother. I did not blame God. I prayed to Him for help and guidance. It did have me blaming myself, but I fully believe that the “voice of reason” was the voice of God calling me back to reality in my time of need. Our adoption ties into this in that a person who doubts their ability to parent their own children would certainly second-guess adding in any adopted ones. For that to happen would be to second-guess God’s plan as well. I think that is exactly what was in the works. Satan sought to crush God’s plan, but ultimately God showed me the truth. I realized that I am a strong person and a good mother, and that with God all things are possible.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Million Dollar Baby???

Everyone has heard that adoption is expensive, and it is true! BUT it is not as expensive as people think. Most people think that adoption costs $50,000 and up! It is not that cut and dry. International adoption is much more costly than is domestic adoption. International adoptions do usually cost around $30,000 and vary depending on the country you are adopting from.
  • The average cost of an adoption from Korea is about $38,000.
  • The average cost of an adoption from Ethiopia is about $28,000.
  • The average cost of an adoption from China is about $29,000.
  • The average cost of an adoption from Russia is about $50,000.
The average domestic adoption costs around $5,000 to $40,000 depending on your state and the type of agency you go through. Most average people cannot afford either adoption method without fundraising, grants and finishing up with a loan. Ours is a domestic adoption. We are looking at our adoption costing around $15,000 total. We are currently in the process of fundraising. It is a slow climb for sure. To date we have raised $48.43, and we are VERY thankful to all of those who have contributed to our fundraiser by purchasing T-shirts.
There has in previous years been an adoption tax credit. In 2011, the credit was $13,360. In 2012, it was $12,650. The projection for 2013 is that the credit will only be $5,000 to $6,000 and only adoptions of special needs children will qualify. Needless to say, we can't count on the grant.  It way not even be there at all.
We are hoping to hold other fundraisers as time goes on. One mom told me that once we start fundraising don't stop till baby comes home. I can see where she was coming from, it just may take that long to get there!  lol  We are hoping to be able to completely fund our adoption, but in the end loans are available for the part we can't raise. It would just be better on us financially not to have a monthly loan payment due if possible.  
Through it all I still have this to say: It is all obviously a very slow go, but I know God has a plan in it. He set us on this path and He knows the roads He is leading us down. He already has it all figured out, and we just have to trust Him. He knows our finances better than we do, and He already has our checkbook balanced on this too. We know that because He called us to adoption that He will make the way for us. We have faith in that. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? - Numbers 23:19
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. - 2 Corinthians 1:20
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. - Hebrews 10:23
Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. - Psalm 117 
Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. - Psalm 119:89-90
If you would like to view our current fundraiser through Adoption Bug, you can do so by clicking on the link below.

Also if you have any ideas of future fundraisers we can do, we would love to hear from you!!
e-mail -
or comment below  :)

The Adoption Guide ( (
Matt's Financial Blog (

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Going Global with GOD :)

Just thought I'd share this.  It is so awesome to me to see just where our blog is being viewed.  I started this blog as a way to share what God is doing in our lives throughout our adoption journey.  We also thought it would help to keep our family and friends up to date on the progress.  We would have never pictured it going past the southeast region of the United States, but IT DID!!!  Below is a chart that shows every country that our blog has been viewed in and how many times.  Simply amazing.  I KNOW God has a plan in this.  I am so excited that God is using our little blog to reach other countries!  Thank you, Lord!


United States
United Kingdom

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
-Isaiah 55:11

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just the facts...


Fast facts about pregnancy, adoption and abortion

  • There are 6.4 million pregnancies a year in the U.S.
  • 49% of pregnancies among American women are unintended.
  • At 18 days after conception, the (baby's) heart is forming, and the eyes start to develop. By 21 days, the heart is pumping blood throughout the body.
  • At 42 days after conception (6 weeks), a baby's brain waves can be recorded, and the baby's skeleton is complete.
  • 79% babies born at 25 weeks' gestation in the U.S. survive.

  • About 2% of U.S. children under the age of 18 are adopted. 
  • Nearly 4 in 10 American adults (81.5 million) have considered adoption.
  • Since 1987, the number of adoptions annually in the U.S. has remained relatively constant, ranging from 118,000 to 127,000.
  • An estimated 10 million couples would attempt to adopt a child domestically if they felt they had a realistic opportunity to do so.
  • 48% families considering adoption turn to their houses of worship for support and information.
  • A growing number of children are now placed through independent (private) adoption with estimates ranging from 1/2 to 2/3 of infant adoptions.
  • 2% of unmarried women at any age place their children for adoption.
  • In 1998, 56% of Americans held a "very favorable" opinion of adoption. Today, 63% hold this opinion.
  • November is National Adoption Awareness Month.
  • Fewer than 50,000 children find families through intercountry adoption each year.

  • "The 3,733 abortions occurring every day in America are ... more than all the lives lost in the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center." -Randy Alcorn in Why Pro-Life?
  • Half of unplanned pregnancies in America end in abortion; 24% of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriage) end in abortion.
  • 84% women who have had an abortion say they would have kept their babies under different circumstances.
  • Only 1/3 Americans find abortion morally acceptable; 2/3 find it morally wrong.
  • An overwhelming number of teens find abortion abhorrent ... maybe it's because millions of other teens who would have been their friends and peers never made it out of the womb. 
  • In 2008, Planned Parenthood performed 134 abortions for every 1 adoption referral.
  • 8 out of 10 pregnancy care centers (PCCs) report that abortion-minded women decide to keep their babies after seeing ultrasound images.

Credit:  The information above can be found on Birthmother Ministries website.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Loss Experts

We just wrapped up the second book in our series and have our meeting tomorrow to go over what we learned and to receive Book #3. Book #2's title is 'Understanding Separation and Loss'. According the text we as potential foster/adoptive parents must become loss experts. At first I took this as a challenge... "Yes! I will become a Loss Expert" (in my best "Super Mom" voice). But the more and more I read into the workbook, the more and more impossible that seemed. Webster defines an expert as being a person having great knowledge, experience or skill in a certain field. I personally hope that I never qualify as a true expert in loss.
Children who enter care experience many losses and separations along the way. It is really sad to me that ones so young DO end up being loss experts. They start out with the loss of their parents whether it be by abandonment, death, or court order. From the very start of the process, they are dealing with things that no child should ever have to face. Then they enter foster care. Some children end up living in a few to several different foster homes over the years. Each move means more separation and more loss. They leave behind the adults who cared for them as parents, the other children who were as close to them as siblings, the stability of the routine they learned in that home, the comfort of their surroundings... and they start over. Most will eventually be adopted into permanent homes, but many will stay in the system until adulthood and leave foster care having never officially joined a family. 
 We often take for granted what we have. We don't see how blessed we are to have our simple lives... to live with our birth family in ONE (maybe two) homes, but always with our own family. We don't realize how many children just wish they could have that.
However, the children are not the only ones who experience loss through the process. The birth parents have to watch their child be taken from them, not really knowing if or when they will be able to get them back. If they work with the agency and make the necessary changes, they WILL eventually return home, but it is a process that can take some time. If the child is returned to their parents, then the foster parents will experience a loss when they leave. Some children will stay with a few different families during their time in care. Each change equals a loss to the foster parents and to the children. 
The ones no one really thinks about are the agency workers. They also experience loss. Society sometimes has a way of painting social workers as villains out to steal our children and give them to other wealthier families. NOT THE CASE AT ALL!! Social workers have the interest of each child at heart. They don't want to see children removed from their parents' home. That is why they take such care in creating a plan to have them reunited as quickly as possible. That is the ultimate goal, but sometimes it is not possible despite the social worker's best efforts. At this point the social worker experiences a loss. The loss of the hope of reuniting a family. This family will never be "whole" again. That's a lot of weight to carry even knowing it's not their fault. And with each move that they watch that child have to make, that burden will get heavier and heavier. you would think that the child finally being adopted into a forever family would relieve all the pressure, but what you have to understand is that it brings about a different kind of loss in itself. To this point, the social worker has been in charge of the child and been in close contact with them. Upon adoption, the child will be in full custody of the adoptive parents. The social worker will fade to the background and out of the child's daily life.
The entire process of foster care and adoption is full of separations and losses that will affect all involved. God gives us hope for these times in the Bible. He offers us comfort during our pain. He is the truest Loss Expert.
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.' - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
'Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.' - Matthew 5:4
'For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.' - Romans 8:18
'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' - Isaiah 41:10
'and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away' - Revelation 21:4
5 Comforting Psalms About Grief
'The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.' - Psalm 18:2
'This is my comfort in my affliction, That Thy word has revived me.' - Psalm 119:50
'For Thou dost light my lamp; The LORD my God illumines my darkness.' - Psalm 18:28
'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.' - Psalm 23:4
'My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.' - Psalm 73:26
My prayer today is for all those involved in the foster care and adoption process.  I am thankful for those who bear the burdens of being the social workers and the foster parents. I pray that they will all feel the comfort and love of God surrounding them; that they will have the strength and courage to carry on in the hard times knowing that better times are ahead.  I pray that all those who are experiencing loss know that they are never truly alone, because God is always with them, and He will never forsake them.  He will guide them through to the dark and into the light of His plan for them. And I pray that through it all God receives all the glory and that everyone will know God and His works for the miracles they are. I also pray for the ministry that will come from it all as the testimonies unfold, and people tell of what God has done in their lives. These things I ask in Jesus name. Amen. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hey everyone!
     I just wanted to take a minute to point out a few cool features of our blog! We have added a Guestbook to the blog! You can get to it by clicking on the "Guestbook" tab at the top of the page.  Feel free to leave us feedback!  You can also "Follow" our blog by clicking the Follow button on the right hand side of the page. For all of the Pinterest Fans, there is a "Pin It" button under each post along with a Twitter "Tweet" button, a Facebook "Share" button,  and a Google "+1" button.  You can also share a post via e-mail or on your own Blogger blog. Just a few handy little features I wanted to share.  :)  I'm always on the lookout for neat features to add to our blog, so let me know if you have any ideas!
Thank you all for your support!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Adoption Bug Fundraiser

We are currently holding a T-shirt fundraiser through Adoption Bug.
If you feel led to contribute to our journey in bringing a new baby into our home, we will and do greatly appreciate it. You can check out our store by going to:
There you will see the 6 different shirt designs that we are offering. Only these 6 shirts will count toward our fundraiser. A large portion of your purchase amount will come to us to help us in our adoption. The remainder will stay with Adoption Bug to help them cover their expenses and help them to continue to offer their services to other families looking to adopt. We appreciate your support and mostly your prayers! Thank you all and God bless!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Words of Encouragement...

AGAPE of Central Alabama posted this on their Facebook page on August 15th, and I wanted to share it with all of you:

"In the past few weeks, Agape has had the joy of telling 2 couples they are gonna be parents. We've supported 2 mothers as they've delivered their babies and chose to place their babies in the arms of another family forever. Our workers gladly offered their time and attention to a foster family who was going to court to hear a judge's verdict on the future of the children in their care. One of our workers got to watch a birth family and adoptive family meet for the first time! Another worker helped find a man's birth mom after a very long search. We've had 2 sibling groups be reunited with their birth parents after the parents spent time stabilizing their homes and personal lives. We've had foster parents who have welcomed newborns. Another family who has added a sibling group of 6. An adoptive family just heard a judge say that their adoption is 100% finalized! Another family will hopefully hear the same thing next week. We had a pregnant woman call today to ask for our help in choosing a future for her unborn child. And that's just what I had time to write at the moment. There is SO much that God is doing for these vulnerable children and hurt families. And YOU are a part of that. Please don't forget Agape at your church's Agape Sunday."

This just felt so encouraging to me. Please keep all of these families in your prayers. Also pray for the social workers and staff involved in these cases. It's not an easy job for sure! But God is definitely at work... so many wonderful blessings, and we feel so humbled to be a part of this! God truly blessed us with an amazing honor when he set us on the adoption path. He also gave us a wonderful agency when he led us to AGAPE. I pray that we will be forever changed by this experience, that we will grow in Christ through it! Thank you for your continued prayers and support! We love you all!

If you would also like to learn more about AGAPE, you can go to:

Or visit their Facebook page:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

One Down...

Today we had our second meeting.  This marks the completion of our first workbook. We reviewed and discussed what we learned in Book 1.  We are definitely feeling more comfortable now that we see how things are going to go with the classes.  In all honesty, the classes are really effective.  They do make us examine ourselves on all levels.  We are learning and asking ourselves questions that we would not have asked otherwise. That IS the purpose of them after all; to show us all aspects and to familiarize us with all options so that when the time comes we can say without a doubt that we are certain of the decision we make. By the end of the process we will actually be qualified to foster or adopt.  Both are wonderful routes, but right now we are still all in on the "adoption option".  :)
We were also given Book 2 to start on.  The title of this workbook is "Understanding Separation and Loss".  Our prayer for ourselves during this book is that God will open our hearts and help us to fully receive the message and lesson that He intends us to learn, beyond what the workbook has to say.  These children really do go through so much more than any child (or adult) should ever have to experience.  Even the ones who are given up at birth will still ultimately have to face the feelings of separation and loss.  The question of "Why?" as well as the emotions that come with it.  That can be overwhelming to say the least.
I ask that you join us in prayer.  As mentioned earlier, please pray that we will hear God's message in the workbook, that He will guide us through this process and give us the answers we need.  Please also pray for the children.  There are so many out there that are already dealing with separation and loss and many many who are currently still dealing with the abuse and neglect. Pray that God will give them the strength to endure it, the courage to speak up and the peace to rise above it. Pray also for the unborn babies.  God already has a plan for them.  He already knows which baby will join our family one day.  We pray that each birth mother will make healthy decisions for herself and her unborn child. We pray that the child will be healthy no matter what.  And we pray that the birth mother will be able to find peace as she makes the hard decision to put her child up for adoption and as she goes through her own process of coping with separation and loss.  We also pray for all those currently caring for foster and adopted children, for their strength to guide and nurture the children and be what the children need them to be. We know all this is asking alot, but we also know that nothing is too big for our God!

"For with God, nothing is impossible."
- Luke 1:37
"The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."
- Luke 18:27
"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?"
- Jeremiah 32:27
"But Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
- Matthew 19:26
"It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens,"
- Jeremiah 10:12
"Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
- Ephesians 3:20

Monday, July 23, 2012

A New Perspective

Wow, it has been a busy week. We had our first adoption meeting this past Monday, and it was very informative. We received our first workbook to complete. The title of it is "Understanding Foster Care and Adoption Today". There are only 99 pages in the whole book, and that includes the glossary, but it is packed with information that has made us look at fostering and adopting from a new perspective: the birth parents.
As humans, we tend to be judgmental, and as parents we often get offended when we see others not doing such a great job at parenting (to be general about it).
We say things like...
"They don't deserve to be parents."
"Someone needs to take their kids and never let them see them again."
"They need beating (or worse) for treating their kids like that."
Remember though:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck in your brothers eye but don't notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' and look, there's a log in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." - Matthew 7:1-5
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that is may give grace to those who hear" - Ephesians 4:29
We must be careful not to judge others. We must look below the surface. It's the events that go on behind the scenes in these families that makes it hard to generalize. We must also remember that we are also not perfect. We have our own faults. We must help to build each other up whenever possible.

The four most common reasons in the U.S. that children are removed from their birth parent's home are neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and abandonment. Sexually abusing a child is completely unacceptable for any reason, and children should never be neglect, abused or abandoned at all. Sadly it does happen, but the fact is that most parents that have at some point done one of the latter three DO love their children, and their children do love them. The children don't want to be taken from their parents, they just want the abuse or neglect to end. It is often a cycle, a cycle that can be broken.
In most instances, abuse and neglect stem from an unmet need in the parents' lives. I know what you're probably thinking already: "They need to be beat themselves". But what you have to understand is that all behavior has a reason. In many cases the parent is under some form of stress and snaps. They are very sorry that they did what they did, BUT even feeling remorseful, the cycle will likely continue until the underlying need is met. Needs can be a wide range of things. It could be financial needs, maybe the family has recently suffered a job lost that has put them in a financial crisis. The stress has pushed them to the edge and the smallest thing can make them crack. Do they love their children?? Yes, they are trying to provide for them, and under normal circumstances they would have never harmed their child. They do however need counseling in dealing with stress and anger management in addition to finding a new job. If these needs are not met then the cycle will continue.
If/when children are taken from their parents, they are placed with a foster family. It is always the goal to reunite the family in the end. In becoming a foster parent you work with the agency and the birth parents to help break the cycle and heal the family. Foster families model appropriate discipline methods and show the birth parents how to effectively parent the child without using force. Once all the needs are met and it is determined that there is no longer a risk, then the child may return home to their family.
In many cases reunification can not happen. Either the birth parents are not making the necessary changes or they have decided to voluntarily relinquish their rights. This is where adoptive families come in. The foster family that the child has been with will get first chance to adopt the child. There are instances in which the foster family for one reason or another can not or will not adopt the child. When this happens the agency will seek an adoptive family for the child. It is important to find the child a "forever home". The more times a child has to be moved and change families, the deeper it affects the child.
Many people believe that adopting a child is a pretty cut and dry thing. The child leaves their past behind and starts a completely fresh life with them. While this is a pretty story, it is far from the truth. The adoptive family's role (as is with any family) is to provide a stable, forever home for the child, one in which they will be loved, supported and provided for. Most of these children come with issues due to the circumstances that brought them into care in the first place. Adoptive parents must help the children work through these issues and seek professional help for them as needed. You must also help the child keep connected with their past and their heritage. Children who have been in foster families have likely formed friendships with other children, and it is important that they stay in contact. Most have also bonded with the foster parents and wish to remain in contact with them also. Then there are also relations with biological family members that should be encouraged as well. In some cases, they even keep contact with their birth parents.
Mike and I are seeking to adopt an infant. The birth mom will have made an informed decision to relinquish her rights. Many people would think this was am easy path, because the child doesn't really know anything about anything and doesn't have to. This isn't like the old days, where you could adopt a child, fake a pregnancy, make up a bunch of stories and/or just never tell them they are adopted. Fact is that lying about where they came from will only make it harder. Children are very smart and they will eventually figure it out, especially if they are a different race or nationality than the couple they call Mom and Dad. That or down the road, they will hear it from a random person that knows the truth and wonder why their own parents never told them and how they could hide something like that from them. While the baby will not likely come with tons of baggage to counsel through immediately. We will eventually have to answer the BIG questions...
"Who are my birth parents?"
"Why did they give me up?"
"Did they love me?"
"Is there something wrong with me?"
Of course it isn't the children's fault, but for this reason it is always encouraged to maintain some line of contact with the birth parents, so that when the child needs answers, they can get them. The last thing you want to be at that point, is the stumbling block. It will only cause friction between you and the child. Use the situation instead to grow and show your child that you have been and will always be there for them.
I hope that others will gain some insight from reading this, just as Mike and I have. There is just so much more to adopting that meets the eye. It's not like buying a baby that is yours no strings attached, and it certainly comes with more strings than it would to give birth to a child of your own. The child has a whole other life that needs embracing for the child's sake. Honestly it is scary not knowing just how we'll present all of it to our child one day. But we know that the agency will be there for resources and support and that God will guide us through it. It is, after all, His plan. And we know that He will be with us every step of the way.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." - Genesis 28:15
"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3:6 KJV
"Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take" - Proverbs 3:6 NLT
God is faithful in all He does, and He will accomplish that which He sets out to do. Never go it alone, you will only meet with more resistance and more trials. When we try to go without God, He must show us how much we do in fact need Him. Like a good shepherd, He will bring us back to Him. Pray for His guidance and His will for your path, that He will guide you and make your path straight. God bless you all.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Just an update..

I know I haven't posted in a while, so I just wanted to take a minute to update everyone on how things are going.  Mike and I have our first meeting on July 16th (this coming Monday).  It's feeling so "real" now... like this is really happening!!  This first meeting will also be the beginning of a series of classes that we have to take called "Deciding Together". The way I understand it, these classes are designed to walk us through the adoption process and to guide us in the decision making process.  The decisions we will ultimately have to make in our adoption process are very important and also very difficult.  A major factor is drug and alcohol use.  It is a reality that some birth mothers DO drink, smoke and/or do drugs throughout their pregnancies.  All of which can have an adverse affect on the unborn child.  We as adoptive parents have to decide what levels of usage we are willing to "accept" from a birth mother.  We ask for your prayers for us in this.  Please pray that God will continue to guide us through all of our decisions and that we will have ears to hear and hearts to obey what God tells us; and that once our decisions are made and final, that we will not question, doubt or second guess them.  We know that God never gives us more than He knows we can handle.  It's awesome to know that God already has a child in mind for us, and it's amazing to think that the baby may not even be conceived yet!  :)  Wow, just wow!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Parent's Love

The fact that Mike and I are going to adopt came as a surprise to many people.. including us!  :)  So far, everyone has been very supportive. Reactions to the news vary from that of excitement (as if we had actually announced we are pregnant again) to that of shock and hesitation (as if the word "adoption" in general scared them). Once the initial shock wears off, we get pretty much the same responses and questions...
"Do you really think it'll be the same as having your own baby?"
"Do you really think you'll be able to love it as much as a baby of your own?"
Then you have the all-knowing ones that skip the questions, and go straight for the punch..
"There is no way it will ever be the same."
"You will never be able to love it the same as you do the ones you carried. You're skipping all the bonding time."
Yes, I have to admit.. I have myself questioned my own ability to love a baby which I did neither carry nor deliver. But after much thought and prayer, I have decided that I absolutely can, will, and already do.

A woman begins to attach herself to her baby from the time that she finds out that she is going to be a mother. While I am not pregnant, I am still going to be this child's mother, and I am just as excited about that.

Her love for her baby grows and grows  throughout her pregnancy.  She wonders what her baby will look like and be like. She spends countless hours preparing for the arrival of her little blessing. Though I will not get to experience the growing pains and the in-tummy acrobatics, I do still dream about what our baby will look like. She may not have my brown hair or Mike's blue eyes, but she has our love. And I do also have the joy of being able to plan and prepare a beautiful nursery  (Yay!  :)  ).

But the one thing every mother knows is that there is no bonding moment greater than that moment when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time... that moment when it all becomes real and you can see, hear,  hug and kiss your baby.  We look so forward to that moment. Our family and friends are excited and look forward to the "new arrival", and I fully believe it will be just as celebrated as the two babies we did conceive, carry and deliver.

When I consider the questions concerning my ability to love our future baby, I am also reminded of how I felt when I found out I was pregnant with Matthew... scared and excited at the same time. The adoption path is new to me, just as motherhood once was new to me.

I remember being pregnant with Matthew and asking myself, "Will I really love this baby?"  "Will I be a good mother?" In truth, the fear of not loving Matthew vanished the instant I saw his little face. And as for being a good mother.. all any parent can do is their best and be a loving, praying parent for their children.

When I was pregnant with Gabe I worried again.  "What if I didn't love Gabe as much as I love Matthew?"  What if I'm not able to share my love equally?" "What if one feels slighted or less favored?" The reality in this is that children are human, and "That's not fair" and "He's your favorite" are going to be a part of their vocabulary eventually. There is no escaping sibling rivalry. With age and maturity that may or may not change. But as a parent you love BOTH of your babies for the individuals that they are.  Do you love them the same? No. They are unique individuals, and you love them in unique ways. Do you love them equally? Well, how can you measure love at all? 
Would you be lost without either one of them? Yes.
Would you do anything for them? Yes.
Would you give your life to save theirs? Yes.
Then, yes, you love them equally. 
No need to question the small details when the biggest questions give you the answer.

In conclusion, adoption is very new to us, but we look forward to all the experiences that we'll have along the way.  We look forward to meeting our beautiful new baby, and welcoming her into our family.  To us, she already is. We are excited about the idea that little Gabe is going to be a big brother, and we know that he will be just as amazing in the role as Matthew has been.  :) I cannot say enough about how good God has been to us and about how great are the works He does in our lives. Just when you think you are blessed beyond belief, He does it again! Nothing is bigger than our God.  No matter how big the task he calls us to, our God is faithful, and He will meet our needs and see us through to the ending.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Adoption... God's Heart

I've heard it said time and time again that life doesn't come with an instruction manual... not the case actually. The Bible is our complete "How To Guide" for life and all it's happenings. (You also have a 24/7 support line to God called "prayer".) The Bible gives us models of how our relationships should be and counsels us on how to deal with problems within them.  It teaches us about forgiveness and mercy, how to be strong and brave during times of adversity, and to have faith through it all. But my favorite part is that in it God reveals His heart to us.  This part is very near and dear to me... adoption.
  1.  God has a heart for adoption.
    Psalms 10:14,17-18  You are the helper of the fatherless. LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more.
    Psalms 68:5-6  Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.
    Hosea 14:3  In you the orphan finds mercy.
  2. Our very salvation is an adoption. In our adoption, we are set as equals with Jesus, co-heirs in glory.
    Galatians 4:4-7  When the time came to completion, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
    Ephesians 1:4-6  For He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight in love He predestined us to be adopted through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to His favor and will, to the praise of His glorious grace that He favored us with in the Beloved.
    Romans 8:16-17  The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.  Now if we are children, then we are heirs —heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
  3. We as Christians also have a call to adopt and to help the less fortunate.
    James 1:27  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
    Matthew 18:5  And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
    Matthew 25:40   “And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’
    Deuteronomy 24:19  When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don’t go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans, and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
    Isaiah 1:17  Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
There are countless examples of compassion toward the needy and less fortunate in the Bible, including the compassion that God showed us in sending Jesus.  Examples of adoption in the Bible include the stories of Moses (Exodus 2:1-10) and Esther (Esther 2:15). Also consider that Mary and Joseph did not conceive Jesus, as he is the son of God. They raised Jesus, cared for him, and loved him as their own, just as in an adoption. We feel so blessed that God has called us to a cause so near to his heart, and we pray that God continues to bless us and guide us on our journey.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Little Things

We got this Fortune Cookie while eating lunch on June 8th. I have never before seen a cookie with this message inside. It just goes to show that God can use anything (even a fortune cookie) to encourage us. Thank you Lord for all of the "little things" in life.

God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called...

It's an amazing thing when you can recognize God working in your life. It's the the plans and goals that you know are too great for you to have come up with yourself. That's exactly what adoption is for us.
If you'd have asked us 5 years ago if we would adopt, we would have probably said, "Ummm, no". Not because we were ever against adoption. But because we were newlyweds, and babies weren't even on our minds.
If you'd have asked us 3 years ago, we would have said, "Why adopt?" I was pregnant with Matthew at that time. After all, who needs to adopt when you can conceive and carry on your own?? Right??
While pregnant with Matthew, I struggled with sudden rapid swelling, weight gain and high blood pressure. This was soon diagnosed as Preeclampsia. On July 4, 2009, at just 27 weeks, I went into labor with Matthew. Upon arrival at Southeast AL Medical Center (Dothan, AL), I was examined and found to be 1cm dilated and progressing. The decision was made to transfer me to UAB, as the chances were good that I would have a baby that night. Before transferring I was checked once more and was at 2cm. At the rate I was going, I should have been around 4cm by the time we got to UAB. We prayed all the way there for our baby. That if it was God's will that he be born that day, that he would be healthy and strong. I remember feeling such a peace come over me. When the doctor at UAB examined me, he looked puzzled. He stepped out of the room without saying a word, and another doctor came in and examined me. After looking through my chart a minute, he looked at me and asked, "Why are you here?" Turns out, I was not dilated at all. I was back to a completely closed cervix, no contractions, no pain, nothing. I stayed the night and went home the next morning. I continued to have extremely high blood pressure. It stayed in the 200s for the rest of the pregnancy. On September 7, 2009, Matthew made his debut weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. At 35 weeks gestation, he needed no extra care. He was perfectly healthy... a blessing from God.
We had planned to space our babies two years apart, but God had other plans. We started trying in January 2011. Month after month went by and no positive pregnancy tests. After 5 months, we began talking about the possibility of fertility treatments and wondering if Matthew would be our only child. One day at church, our preacher shared a message about asking God to show us our purpose in life. He stated that each person was created with a purpose, and we should pray and ask God to reveal our purpose to us. I prayed and prayed that God would show me my purpose. One day he answered,"the children". I had no idea what this meant. Should I go back to school to be a teacher? Should I open a daycare? Should I teach a Sunday School class? So a prayed for clarity... Then one day He answered again, "adopt". I started really thinking I must be absolutely nuts, or just desperate for another baby. I knew adoption was a long process, and I had heard it was very expensive. I just didn't know if I was that kind of person, if we would qualify, or if we would be able to afford the process. There were just so many more capable families out there. To me, adopting was something that only wealthy people with big houses could do. Neither of which described us. Then I remembered "God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called." I talked to Mike about it, and we prayed on it together. We knew it was God's will. The only question left was "When?"
On Father's Day 2011, after 6 months of trying, we got a positive pregnancy test. We never forgot about adoption, we talked about it often. We loved the idea, but we just couldn't figure out how we could even afford it with one son and another on the way. I did a great deal of reading up on adoption.. the process, the cost. I found out that it was in fact a long process, but that it wasn't as expensive as I had always heard. There are grants available to help cover a majority of the expenses. This helped ease most of my financial concerns.
Toward the end of my pregnancy with Gabe, I started having those old familiar blood pressure issues, but this time I was diagnosed with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. On January 27, 2012, Gabe arrived weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. Gabe, like Matthew, was also born at 35 weeks gestation.
While Gabe was also born quite healthy, my doctor advised against my getting pregnant again. The fact that my blood pressure has sky rocketed into the 200s during both pregnancies was a huge risk to take again. We had been truly blessed to have completely healthy little boys both times and didn't feel the need to "press our luck".
When Gabe was just a few weeks old, the call came again... adoption. It felt like a crazy time to even consider adoption with just having brought home our newborn. But then we remembered that the process is a long one (1 to 3 years in most cases). If we were to start now, Gabe would be at least a year old before a new baby would join our family. Mike and I talked about it and prayed on it. We knew it was time to start. I started really digging in.. looking up the specifics and searching different agencies. Every question we had, God placed the answer right in front of us. Almost instantly in many cases. When that happens, you can be assured it is nothing short of God's guidance on the situation. We have felt him with us throughout the process. We have chosen an agency. We are working with Agape of Central Alabama. We are very pleased with our experience so far. We are about to start a series of classes that we must take as part of the process. As I said before, it's a long process. But we have a loving family and friends that we know we can count on, and a mighty God that has been and will be with us every step of the way. It is a path that I can explain in no other way than "God's will". Only He could have planned out such a wonderful journey. I feel blessed that He has called us not only to be the parents of two wonderful, beautiful sons, but that he has now blessed us with the opportunity to be the family of a child in need! Thank you Lord for all of your many blessings.