Saturday, May 24, 2014

Modern Day Muellers

George Mueller (1805-1898)
Philippians 4:6-7 says to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." The first person that comes to mind when I hear these verses is George Mueller. He was a man of great faith that trusted God for everything. He fully relied on God to meet his needs and those of the orphans he cared for, and God never let them down. He always blessed them in extraordinary ways that could only be explained through faith and God.
Many things have changed for us in the past few years. We started out with huge plans of building our two story dream home and having three or four kids.
The first change came when, after having two precious boys, we were advised not to conceive again,  but God had already been at work in our hearts planting the seeds of adoption.
Our second big change came when Matthew (shortly followed by Gabe) was diagnosed with Autism. God first blessed us with a church family that has a wonderful children's ministry and a heart for special needs children.  Then, God came through in a mighty way in the selling of our house that had been on the market for six years.  This enabled us to move and enroll Matthew in the best ever preschool. We have since watched him grow, learn and meet and exceed goals. We also look forward to Gabe starting to preschool with Matthew around his 3rd birthday in January.
The third and biggest game changer occurred when Mike had a heart attack during a training exercise at work. This has actually led to a roller coaster of changes. First, Mike was actually diagnosed with a heart condition which can not be fixed by surgery. He can only attempt to prevent a repeat heart attack through avoiding strenuous activities and taking blood pressure medications. This diagnosis led to the determination that Mike is no longer eligible to be a firefighter. The uncertainty gave us cause to put a hold on our house building. Shortly after, Mike did in fact receive notice of the decision to terminate his employment with his final day then being about three weeks out. Since that day, Mike has filed forms for medial retirement, as well as cashing out certain other retirement plans he has paid into while working. All of which we don't expect to amount to his full paycheck as a firefighter. Knowing this, last week we contacted the builders and closed the file for our house. The next day, we were in Dothan and started noticing the mobile home lots. We actually liked one of the double wides we could see from the road.  We were impressed that it was bigger than what we thought typical double wides are,so we pulled in and inquired. We were then pleased to find out that we could get a 5 bed 3 bath for less (actually half) the price we were planning to build for. We can even raise the pitch of the roof, add porches ad brick around the bottom and still come in well under original budget, so we had pretty much talked ourselves into doing this. We planned to use the money from cashing out Mike's retirement to clear and site prep our land and install the well and septic. Great! Thank you God for providing us with a new direction. Enter next change... today. When we checked the mail, we unknowingly opened a letter that was not to us but to the actual home owner. We think God intended it to happen though to give us a head start. The letter was a notice that the homeowner has defaulted on the mortgage. He has not made a mortgage payment since March. This makes us feel very uneasy. Our rental contract was actually up two weeks ago. We didn't re-sign because we were hoping to move onto our land soon and didn't want to be locked into another contract. We pay a month in advance as a safety net in case of hard times, so we are actually already paid up through the month of June.
So here we are... from birthing to adopting, from federal firefighter to unemployed and uncertain of future funds, from two story home to NICE mobile home. This has definitely been one of those cases of "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans." Through it all, we have learned patience. We have learned to sit and listen for what God says to do next. We have learned that we have no control, that God alone holds the future. We have learned to lean not on our own understanding, because God's thoughts and plans are much higher and better than our own. But most of all, we have seen and felt God's love for us, that with all the billions of people in the world, He knows us, loves us and is steadily meeting our needs and providing for our future. Even before we know there is a problem, He already has the answer. Everyone has struggles. No one can make it on their own. We can fool ourselves thinking we have everything under control, but it is only temporary. Everyone needs God. Faith in Him and salvation through Jesus Christ are the only way. That is what George Mueller knew too. Let God direct your paths, because where He leads He also provides. The course may not be easy, but when God is with you, you can have peace in knowing that everything is going to be alright.

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