Friday, May 9, 2014

An Update / Prayer Request

As many of you know, Mike suffered a heart attack at work on 10/29/2013. On 2/13/2014, a similar incident occurred while again at work. He has since been deemed medically unqualified to perform the duties of Firefighter. What most of you don't know is that recently he was given a "Proposed Letter of Removal". Basically it states that within no more than 30 days from that letter's date he would be out of the job. We have about two weeks left in that time frame. He filed for reasonable accommodation efforts (to find another job for him) but was denied.
Our current situation is this:
Mike has filed all appropriate forms for medical retirement benefits, but they could take up to 9 months to hear from. Only having 2 weeks of actual employment left, that is a bit scary to consider the potential 8+ months in between. In order to keep his current insurance, he must stay in the federal system. With Mike's medications and Gabe's therapies and vitamins, we need the benefits his insurance has been providing. Job hunting efforts have been unsuccessful to say the least. Even getting another job, he wouldn't make as much as he was making as a Federal Firefighter. We know that unemployment won't come near what he was making either. So the next several months are going to be tight until he hears from his retirement, which we pray goes through.
To say we aren't a little nervous would be a lie. We are. But we also have a great peace in knowing that none of this took God by surprise. We know that everything is going to work out to the glory of God. We have faith. We are still holding tight to our adoption plans. House building is very much on hold for the time being, and that's OK. It will happen when it is meant to. We know that great things are coming. God will provide all of our needs according to His will.
Through this, we would GREATLY appreciate it if you would keep us in your prayers. God has heard and answered so many of the prayers of ours and our prayer warriors, and we know that He will do no less with this situation. Thank you all.

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