Thursday, May 22, 2014

Just Five Days Till Everything Changes

Just 5 days left till everything changes. As of that day, Mike will no longer be a firefighter, and at this point we don't know what to expect. We will be without insurance. Mike has filed so many forms already, and we still have more to file that we can't until he is officially unemployed. It is going to be a very busy and uncertain time for us as we get everything figured out as best we can. We really aren't worried at this point, because we know God holds the future and is already there. His hands are all over our lives, and it's actually a little exciting to see what they are shaping our future into. I know the nerves and panic will likely increase in the days ahead. The uncertainty is unsettling, and we are going to need patience, peace and prayers. We thank you all for having kept us in your prayers through all of this already. God blessed us with some truly great family and friends.

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