Monday, January 27, 2014

Did Someone Say 'Cake'???

This evening Gabe was sitting in his highchair beside me in the kitchen. He had a very clear view of the kitchen counter AND his birthday cake box that was sitting on it. He had just finished eating supper, and I was busy filling out adoption paperwork. Mike was at the sink washing dishes. I suddenly noticed that Gabe was saying something, not just babbling, so I called Mike over. We were shocked! Gabe had finally found something worth talking for: cake. Gabe was saying, "Dada, get cake." FYI: This was Gabe's FIRST three word phrase. In our shock we stood there and listened while he repeated his request over and over.  We finally decided we better honor his request before he gave up. Mike cut Gabe a slice of cake and placed it in front of him. Gabe looked at it with a huge smile. Then he looked up at us and said, "Cake! Cake, cake, cake cake, cake!" It was complete music to our ears. I created the "art" above as just a cute caption to go with the picture taken of him trying his birthday cake at his party. I had no idea when I wrote, "Did someone say cake???" two days ago that I would actually be sitting here now saying, "Yes, Gabe said CAKE." Happy birthday to us from Gabe. :)

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