Saturday, January 11, 2014

Diaper Blessings

To the casual observer, this is just a pack of diapers.  To a frugal shopper, this would be a steal of a deal, but to us, this pack of diapers was nothing short of a blessing. Let me explain. The boys and I had spent the day in Dothan with Grandma (my mama) today.  When we got home, I went to change Gabe's diaper only to find that we were down to the very last few diapers. I was doing the math to see if between the few left in his room and what was left in the diaper bag we would have enough to last till tomorrow after church or if I was about to have to get two small children out for a trip to the store. I got distracted and suddenly remembered that I hadn't checked the mail and decided to walk to the mailbox.  It was already dark outside, so I couldn't see anything in the cave of a mailbox, BUT I stuck my hand right on in. What I felt surprised me. It was a package. I say "package"... what I mean is that the contents were loosely wrapped in a black plastic bag, sealed with a strip of tape and postage attached. It wasn't hard to guess what the contents were seeing as how we have bought probably a thousand packs of these over the past four years. Yes, it was a pack of diapers. The story of how they came to be in our mailbox is not so marvelous. I had redeemed our Huggies points for a free pack. Free diapers equals a frugal mom's dream! The amazing part is that they were supposed to take between six and eight weeks to arrive, and I had only submitted the claim last week! But the true blessing is in all of events combined. I only redeemed our points last week on a prize that should have taken six to eight weeks to arrive but miraculously arrived five weeks early and on the day we needed them most. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a God thing! He is in time, on time, every time. He meets our needs. Trust Him with your needs, and put your faith in Him. He will meet your needs in ways you cannot possibly imagine.  Whether it be the surprise package of diapers in your mailbox, a mysterious $20 in your wallet in a low-cash week, reconciliation in relationships that were once thought to be nothing but burned bridges, new relationships when you need them most, healing in your body or peace to make it through the day, God will provide everything according to His will.
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NLT

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