Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day, Hearts and Love

For those who do not know, Mike had another episode with his heart at work on February 13th and had to be taken to the E.R. via ambulance. We ended up spending the night in the E.R. Observation Unit. Our Valentines Day started out with us waking up in the hospital. No breakfast. Mike was told he couldn't eat just in case they needed to order any certain tests that required that. Out of love and respect I didn't eat either. Around 1:00 they finally brought Mike a tray as it was determined there was no test they could run that he hadn't already had done in the past few months. Since he had food I went down to the cafeteria to get a plate and brought it back to eat with my Valentine. Mike was released shortly after finishing lunch. We went and picked up Mike's truck at his work and got his new prescriptions filled on the way home. We got home, shortly followed by Mama bringing the boys home. Then came supper, which was hamburger helper and steamed corn courtesy of Mike, followed by Finding Nemo (twice). There was no romantic getaway or dinner for two or flowers or candles. There were no expensive gifts. In fact, Mike and I didn't get each other gifts at all (just treats for the boys). And that is OK. We had each other and we were together. We came home and enjoyed family time together. It's the little things. Nothing says love like knowing you have nothing to give but yourself, nothing to do but talk and watch game shows and reruns and nothing to cook but hamburger helper and knowing that is ENOUGH. There is no where else I would rather have been than with my Valentine on Valentines Day... for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live. You are stuck with me, Michael Laramore. I love you.

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